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2014-6-22 13:58:18   来源:三秦游   进入论坛 查看评论()


The Song of Everlasting Sorrow

--Notes on China ’s First Large-scale Real-scene Historical Dance Drama


Bai Juyi, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, recounts in his poem The Song of Everlasting Sorrow the love story of Xuan Zong, the Emperor (reigned 725-768) of the Tang Dynasty, and Yang Yuhuan (719-756), his favorite concubine. This pathetic and touching love story was witnessed by the Hua-qing Palace situated at the foot of the Mountain Li during the prime time of Tang Dynasty.

当年,唐明皇李隆基思慕天生丽质、倾国倾城的杨玉环,召其入宫,赐为贵妃。花容月貌、能歌善舞的杨贵妃沐浴海棠汤、慵睡芙蓉帐、醉酒玉楼宴、曼舞长生殿,与明皇情深意长。安禄山叛乱后,明皇携贵妃逃至马嵬坡,被众将士所逼而赐死杨贵妃。贵妃香消玉殒,明皇肝肠寸断。“安史之乱” 平息后,明皇回到长安城。在无限的惆怅与悲怜中梦回蓬莱,与爱妃在月宫相会。二人泪眼执手,互诉相思,恩恩爱爱,再续姻缘。

Li Longji or Xuanzong fell in love with Yang Yuhuan, a born beauty without peer and took her into the Palace as concubine. Yang was not only beautiful but also very talented in music and dancing. Xuanzong loved her so much that he even built her a Crab Aplle pool where she could take a bath. They took pleasure in the spring night behind the warm lotus-flower curtain, got drunk with wine and spring at banquet in Jade Tower, and entertained themselves in the Palace of Eternal Youth by dancing. Soon Yang was affectionate to the monarch. Then a power struggle over control of the central government between An Lushan, Yang’s adopted son, and Yang’s brother, led to An’s rebellion in 755. Xuanzong and Yang Fled from the capital to Ma Weipo before the rebels occupy the capital. Royal guards blamed Yang and her brother for the rebellion and forced Xuanzong to order their execution. The emperor had no alternative but to abdicate. The death of Yang Yuhuan made the emperor stricken with grief. After the rebellion was crushed, Tang Court moved back to the Capital Chang’an. With a broken heart, he wished to meet Yang Yuhuan every night in the palace of moon where they held each other’s hands, exchanged their lovesickness in tears and renewed their love.


The large-scale real-scene historical drama The Song of Everlasting Sorrow is a reproduction of the moving romantic story at the very scene where the story happened. It has one prologue and nine acts belonging to four parts which are respectively Falling in Love, The Inseparable Couple,A Farewell to the Lover, and Reunification in Fairyland.


Against the backdrop of Mountain Li, Nine-dragon Lake, and other elements like pavilions, halls, colonnades, weeping willows, and green lake, the drama presents magnificent pictures of imperial temples, sparkling sky, rolling fog and brightly burning flame. With the application of a wide LED screen and a concealed lifting underwater stage, almost 300 professional actors dance to reproduce the emotion and passion of the historical love story beside the real lake and mountain.


Composed and invested by Shaanxi Tourism Corporation Group, the drama features impressive performance and a fine cast of actors. It reproduces an amazing historical masterpiece and sets an outstanding example of tourism culture by combining together history and culture, nature and art, earthly world and fairyland, and tradition and modern elements.


The flat historical story finds new expressions beside the Nine-dragon Lake at the Huaqing Hot Spring. Crowned China ’s first Large-scale real-scene historical dance drama, the great hit has won top several accolades among domestic tourism cultural performances:


The first dance drama to revive a complete historical love story at the very scene of its occurrence and let the audience feel the everlasting charm of love.


The first to be staged on an outdoor stage instead of in a theatre so that the fine arts could be appreciated by the public.


The first to stage a historical masterpiece enduring through the ages as a dancing and singing performance of Tang Dynasty, compared with the ordinary show of clips of Tang Dynasty. 


The first to be staged against the backdrop of real mountains, lakes and an ancient architectural complex, which creates marvelous aesthetic effect.


The first to apply lifting stage in water, Las Vegas fire-effect technology of America, Swiss high brightness video projector, Italian fragrance-spreading system, and the largest 700-square-meter LED foldable soft screen in Asia, which makes top class stage effect. 


It is an agitating and fascinating love story.


It is a magnificent and sensational performance.


An Introduction to the dance drama of The Song of Everlasting Sorrow

序  幕:杨家有女初长成


Prologue  The Young Lady of the Yang Family

Floating on the rippling surface of the Nine-dragon Lake is a lotus blossom. Out of it, sails elegantly the beautiful Concubine with silk shawl. Her delicate figure and creamy face dazzles the lash and green mountains and blurs the trees and imperial pavilions in the fog. Against the dark sky, the beautiful lady flies gently like a fairy, bringing back the old days of Tang Dynasty.



Act One  Chosen to Attend the Emperor

The coquettish Yang Yuhuan enters the Palace by the Emperor's order. She is such a charming lady that while glancing back and smiling, she reveals a hundred charms which outshines all the powdered ladies of all the palaces. Every close examination of her pretty face delights Emperor Xuanzong who bestows a floral-patterned gilded box on her as a token of love. Then a ceremony of conferring the title of Concubine is held. The imperial palace is filled with congratulating ministers, and dancing and singing entertainers. Against the blaze of light, melodious music and the majestic palace, the Concubine and Emperor get drowned in the sea of happiness.


天上繁星闪烁,明月如钩。“ 七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时”。明皇与贵妃仰望银河,共诉衷肠,焚香盟誓,情长意深许下了“在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝”的衷心誓言。他们在牡丹丛中追逐嬉戏,倾诉着爱意,缠绵着柔情。

Act Two  Whispering to Each Other at Midnight

The stars are sparkling and the moon is like a hook. On the seventh of the seventh moon, they whisper to each other at midnight when none is near. The couple looks up at the Milk Way in the sky, and then burns incense to express their faithful vow of love “on high, we’d be two lovebirds flying wing to wing; on earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.” They chase after each other among peonies. The air is thick with tender love.



Act Three  Bathing in the Huaqing Hot Spring

With a group of court ladies on her side, Concubine Yang wears a thin chiffon blouse which barely covers her soft bosoms. Through a thin curtain of waterfall, the charming figures of Yang and the court girls form a picture of bathing ladies in hot spring. The Concubine leaves a gentle trace of dancing figure on the transparent falling curtain of water. She is as plump as pear blossoms in drizzle and as nice as the green boughs glittering with pearls of dew.



Act Four  The Li Mountain Imperial Pleasure Palace Reaching to the Blue Sky

The Tang Imperial Palace stately reaches to the sky. The sounds of heavenly music are carried by the wind far and wide. When An Lushan meets the Emperor and Concubine he introduces the dancing performance which is popular among the Tartar. The Tartar element adds vitality to the Tang civilization. With great joy and excitement, the Concubine cannot help joining in the passionate Tartar dancers.



Act Five  Getting Drunk in the Marble Pavilion

After getting drunk with wine at banquet in Jade Tower, the Concubine waves as willows dancing in spring breeze and moves like a glow of mist over a lazy stream. The manner she walks reveals her fascinating charm. Gao Lishi, the Emperor’s favorite eunuch, stands by, ready to serve the drunken lady.

第六幕: 仙乐风飘处处闻


Act Six  Heavenly Music Carried by the Wind Far and Wide.
At the foot of the Mout. Li stands the imperial palace. The theater is filled by glorious lamps, beautiful gauze curtains, cheerful dancers and singers, and melodious music. The Concubine dances together with the opera singers among the lotus flowers. The Emperor joins in the dancing with his beautiful lady. They look at each other with affection to the music of love.



Act Seven   Battle drums from Yuyang shaking the earth.

An Lushan rebells and Tongguan is occupied. The capital is now in danger. The happy life of the Emperor is interrupted. The flame of war burns along the mountain. The ladies in the palace are seized with panic. The flame burns to ashes the lotus-flower curtain as well as the Emperor’s throne. The love story comes to an end. So is the prosperity of Tang Dynasty.



Act Eight  Hairpin Fallen to the ground Unwanted

The Emperor Flees to Ma Weipo with his Concubine. The soldiers demand the execution of Concubine Yang who is dreadfully helpless. Reluctantly, the Emperor has choice but to have his beloved wife hanged. The lady is dead at a sad moonlit night. Sorrowful songs long linger in the empty and cold valley.



Act Nine  Meeting Again in Heaven or on Earth

Since Xuanzong returns to the capital Chang’an on a stormy day, the smiling and beautiful face of his Concubine has been haunting and lingering in his memory, which makes him sorrow-stricken. In his dreams, they meet again in fairylands where they hold each other’s hands, exchange their lovesickness in tears and renew their love. Fairies dance with colored silks to celebrate their reunification. The elegant rainbow and feather garments dance tells the story of their happy meeting. Some doves fly into the air as what they have vowed to each other: “on high, we’d be two lovebirds flying wing to wing; on earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.”


The Huaqing Hot Spring (The Huaqing Palace of Tang Dynasty)

华清池位于西安市临潼区骊山北麓,建于唐华清宫故址之上。南依骊山,北临渭水,东距西安三十公里。紧依京畿的地理优势,旖旎秀美的骊山风光,自然造化的天然温泉,历代建都西安的帝王都特别钟情于这一风水宝地。华清池因唐玄宗与杨贵妃的罗曼史而著称于世。著名诗人白居易在《长恨歌》中留有“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的名句,描摹了唐玄宗与杨贵妃在此沐浴的欢娱之景。公元七四五年至七五五年,每年农历十月,唐玄宗都要偕贵妃姊妹和大臣来华清池“避寒”,翌年暮春才返回京师长安。“安史之乱”后,历代均有修葺振兴。 1936年12月12日,震惊中外的“西安事变”也发生于此,华清池再次受到世人瞩目。近年来考古发掘出唐梨园遗址,清理出“莲花汤”(御汤)、“海棠汤”(贵妃池)等五处皇家汤池,再现了长生殿、芙蓉湖、得宝楼等数十处著名景观。独特的自然景观和人文历史每年吸引着数百万中外游人。周恩来、宋庆龄、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等党和国家四代领导人,日本首相竹下登、美国前国务卿基辛格、墨西哥总统福克斯等一百余位国家元首均慕名游览。正如著名史学 家郭沫若先生所言“华清池水色清苍,此日规模越盛唐”。如今,华清池正呈现出跨越古今、凝聚历史与现代精髓的独特风貌。正所谓“真山真水还原盛唐梦境,实情实史再现爱情绝响”。1982年,华清池被列入全国第一批重点风景名胜区,同年2月,西安事变旧址“五间厅”被列为全国第二批重点文物保护单位。1996年,国务院公布唐华清宫遗址为全国第四批重点文物保护单位。1998年,被建设部授予“中国名园”。2007年,被评为全国首批AAAAA级旅游景区。2008年被评为全国文明景区建设先进单位。

Located in the Lintong District, 30 km east to the urban area of Xi’an, the Huaqing Hot Spring is built on the ruins of the Huaqing Palace of Tang Dynasty. With Mount. Li to its south and the Wei River to its north, it boasts natural hot springs. The favorable geographical condition and picturesque scenery make it a favorite place to stay for emperors who made now Xi’an their capitals. The Hot Spring is renowned because it witnessed the love story of Emperor Xuanzong and Concubine Yang. Bai Juyi, a famous poet of Tang Dynasty depicts the scene of the couple in bath in his The Song of Everlasting Sorrow: “She bathed in glassy water of warm-fountain pool, which laved and smoothed her creamy skin when spring was cool.” Every October in the Chinese Lunar Calendar between 745 and 755, Xuanzong would stay at the Huaqing Hot Spring for a refuge from the cold with his concubines, sisters and Ministers, and never move back to the Capital Chang’an ( now Xi’an) until the next late spring. After the insurgency by An Lushan and Shi Siming, the site was renovated in every coming dynasty. The appalling Xi’an Incident of 1936 occurring at the very site on December 12th made the Huaqing Hot Spring the focus of the world again. In recent years, archaeological excavations discovered the ruins of the Pear Garden or the opera theater of the Tang Dynasty. Five ruins of imperial pools were unearthed, two of which are Crab Aplle Pool and Lotus Flower Pool. Other ten sites of scenic spots were also discovered and opened to the public like the Palace of Eternal Youth, Lotus Lake and Debao Building and so on. The unique natural landscape and historical relics attract millions of tourists from home and abroad. More than one hundred of heads of state have been attracted by its reputation to pay their visits. Among them are five Chinese leaders of the country and the Communist Party belonging to four generations of leadership, Chou Enlai, Soong Chingling, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao, and leaders from abroad like Japanese Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, and Mexican President Fox. As Guo Moruo, a great Chinese historian, observed: “clearer than before is the water of Huaqing Hot spring; more than ever is the charm it possesses.” Now the Huaqing Hot Spring takes on a complete new look, a unique combination of old and new and of history and modern elements. It is no exaggerating that the site is a revival of the prime of Tang Dynasty beside real mountains and lakes and a reproduction of the love story with historical facts. Huaqing Hot Spring was among the first to be listed as key scenic spots by the national government in 1982. In February of the same year, the Five-Room Hall where the Xi’an Incidents occurred was appointed as the second group of key national cultural relics under special protection. In 1996, the remains of Huaqing Palace of the Tang Dynasty were listed as the 4th group of the key cultural relics under special protection. Huaqing Hot Spring was awarded China ’s top garden in 1998. It was among the first to be judged as a key tourist site with the highest grade in 2007.


Producer in Chief: Zhang Xiaoke


Director in chief: Xue Lina


Director in Chief / Art Director: Li Hanzhong

作曲:司文虎   吉 吉吉  张   列

Music Composed by: Si Wenhu  Ji Zhe  Zhang Lie

舞蹈总监:马   波

Dance Director: Ma Bo


Lighting: Chen Jianming ( Malaysia )


Stage Designer: Zeng Wentong ( Hong Kong, China )


Costume Designer: Huang Zhiqiang ( Hong Kong, China )

音响:李   麒  毛  

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